Dear Delegates,
Dear Members of the Federal Committee,
Dear Members of the Executive Bureau,
Dear Presidents and Secretary Generals of the Sections,
Dear Federalist Friends,
In the framework of our XXVII European Congress, “Our Federal
Europe – sovereign and democratic”, we would like to kindly invite you to
the UEF SPAIN – SPINELLI GROUP hybrid discussion that will take place on Friday 2nd July 2021, 17.00-20.45 CEST
Venue: Centre Cultural La Nau – Universitat de
València, Carrer de la Universitat, 2, 46003 València, Valencia, Spain
16:30 Arrival of the participants
Welcome and opening statements
- María Vicenta Mestre Escrivá, Rector of the University of Valencia
- Joan Calabuig Rull, Regional Secretary for the European Union and External Relations of the Government of Valencia
- Sergi Campillo, Vice-Mayor of Valencia
- Juan González Barba, Secretary of State for the European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Government of Spain
- Jürgen Foecking, vice-director European Parliament Liaison Office in Madrid
- Enrique Barón Crespo, UEF Spain President
- Francisco Aldecoa, president European Movement Spain
- Sandro Gozi, UEF President, Member of the European Parliament and member of the Conference on the Future of Europe
18.00 Panel 1: The Federalist strategy in the
Conference of the Future of Europe
Moderator: Enrique Barón Crespo, UEF Spain President
- Domènec Ruiz Devesa, Member of the European Parliament, S&D Group, Vice- President of UEF, member of the Conference
- Danuta Hübner, member of the European Parliament, EPP Group, Member of the Conference
- Katalin Cseh, Member of the European Parliament, RENEW Group, member of the Conference – tbc
- Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Vice-president of the European Parliament, The Left, member of the Conference
- Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Non-Attached, member of the Conference
19:00 Panel 2: The role of MEPs and national
parliamentarians in the Conference on the Future of Europe
Moderator: Francisco Aldecoa, president European Movement Spain
- Héctor Gómez Hernández, member of the Spanish Parliament (PSOE) and member of the Conference.
- Maite Pagazaurtundúa, Member of the European Parliament, RENEW Group
- Jordi Sebastiá i Talavera, Former Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group
- Inmaculada Rodríguez Piñero, Member of the European Parliament, S&D Group
20:00 Closing remarks
- Susana Sumelzo, Chair of the Joint Committee on European Affairs Congress-Senate, Spain – tbc
- Brando Benifei, president Spinelli Group, Member of the European Parliament and member of the Conference on the Future of Europe
If you would like to attend this event, please register here and do not forget
to indicate if you will join physically or online.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Warm federalist regards,
Register here.