Dear federalist friends,
As a civil society organisation we are sending this email to involve you in the CIVIL SOCIETY DAYS 2021, organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), fully online from 1 to 5 March 2021.
The online round of events Civil Society Days 2021 – A Sustainable Recovery for the Future of Europe’s Citizens is intended to be a public forum bringing together European citizens, civil society organisations and the European institutions. While delivering on the high expectations of its citizens, Europe must ensure that the ecological and digital transitions are built on the values of solidarity and human rights, social justice, equality, and on education, culture, migration, democracy, participation and entrepreneurship.
The EESC Liaison Group is organising 8 different workshops on:
- Multilevel sustainable democracy in Europe
- Social economy and youth entrepreneurship for a sustainable recovery
- The role of education and culture in the sustainable recovery for Europe
- The future of work in the well-being economy
- Youth activism, systemic change and recovery in Europe
- A social Green Deal for a sustainable recovery
- The role of key civil society groups in the renovation wave
- The role and economic value of volunteers in the road to recovery and beyond
Register HERE to join the sessions!
Warm federalists regards,
Union of European Federalists
Rue d’Arlon 53
B-1040 Bruxelles
+32 (0)2 508-3030