Dear federalist friend,
For the Union of European Federalists, being present in a structured and effective way, as well as being recognisable on the platform with its proposals in the Conference on the Future of Europe, becomes a necessary condition both for conveying its political message and for enhancing meetings on the ground at all levels.
The aim is to be influential in order to condition future decision-making processes, to bring out the drive for federal reform of the European Treaties.
What was clearly explained during the presentation of the platform, answering specific questions in an explicit way, is that the topic of the revision of the Treaties, considered a taboo by many member states, will become unavoidable if it emerges from the debate and the requests of citizens, on the platform. From there, it can be conveyed both to the European citizens’ panels and, above all, to the plenary session.
The Digital Platform will therefore be in the coming months, until the conclusion of the process of confrontation with the citizens, the only tool at our disposal to convey ideas and political messages to the Conference.
If we are to succeed in achieving our objectives, it will therefore be necessary to devise an effective strategy and to organise a careful national (and European) direction which will enable us not to disperse our messages, not to drown them in the sea of proposals which will soon fill the platform, but which, on the contrary, will enable us to dominate the debate on the future of the European Union by directing it in such a way as to bring out the consensus in support of a Europe which, in order to live up to the expectations of its citizens, must equip itself with the competences, the political decision-making mechanisms and the appropriate resources. In a word, become a federal political Union.
With a view to a debate as inclusive as possible and aimed at advancing federalist demands, we encourage the sections and regional centres to organise debates link to our political proposals on the platform, which can be attractive to a diverse audience and allow collaboration with local and regional actors. It will also be important to try to understand how the themes identified can be declined in a federalist sense.
The debate should have a format that seeks to make the participants protagonists of the discussion.
Attached you will find a summary of the indications in the user guides of the platform to help you organise your events in a federalist way.
The UEF Secreatariat ( is at your disposal for information, help and collaboration.
Let’s do not waste this opportunity.
Warm federalist regards,
Anna Echterhoff, UEF Secretary General