We report below the invitation to the Federal Committee Meeting by the Union of European Federalists.
Dear Members of the Federal Committee, dear federalist Friends all over Europe, The current crisis has shown the importance of acting united as Europeans in an effective and supportive way. In tackling the pandemic, the Union has been faced with an unprecedented challenge, and has already made choices that indicate the need and the will to strengthen its political unity. The Conference on the future of Europe will be an absolute opportunity to debate a concrete project for a stronger Union, involving citizens in a transparent and participatory process by which they can become increasingly aware of the fundamental importance of our unity as Europeans and actively participate in the reform processes that can achieve it. As federalists we have an important role to play in this phase, towards the citizens and towards politics and institutions. That is why we wanted this moment of joint working together with the sections and members of the Federal Committee on 14 November and in this spirit we are convening the Federal Committee on 19 December. Looking forward to meeting you at these important meetings, I wish you good work. Your sincerely, Sandro GOZI President Union of European Federalists Rue d’Arlon 53 B-1000 Bruxelles +32 (0)2 508-3030 NEXT FEDERAL COMMITTEE GUIDELINES AND INSTRUCTIONS Dear Members of the Federal Committee, dear federalist Friends, Following the invitation of our President to the Kick-Off Meeting and the next Federal Committee (FC), I am contacting you regarding the technical details of the two meetings scheduled in agreement with the Executive Bureau. The online Kick-Off meeting with the sections and members of the FC who wish to participate, is open to all interested activists, to discuss proposals for our campaign in view of the launch of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The meeting is scheduled onlinefor 14 November, from 9am to 1pm. We will send you the registration form next week to receive the zoom link. About ten days before the meeting we will send you the policy proposals of the EB. The FC is convened also online (due to the current pandemic), for the 19th December, from 9am to 6pm, with a break for lunch from 1pm to 2pm. I remind you that, according to the established practice, the deadline for the submission of resolutions will be 6 weeks earlier, and is therefore set for 9 November at midday; then there will be 3 weeks to submit amendments – by Monday 30 November. Resolutions must be sent in Word format by email to the European Secretariat (secretariat@federalists.eu). Considering the circumstances, and the limitations that we will face in an online meeting, I recommend FC members and Political Commissions to be considerate and submit resolutions and amendments only if considered absolutely necessary and urgent for this meeting. There will be no participation fee for this meeting. However, if you wish to contribute to the organisation of the meeting with a donation, you are welcome to do so easily and rapidly, following to UEF Bank Account: Name of the bank: BNP PARIBAS FORTIS BANK, Rond-point Robert Schuman 10, 1040 Brussels, Belgium TO: UNION OF EUROPEAN FEDERALISTS UEF IBAN code: BE69210037609578 BIC: GEBABEBB A short recap on the relevant dates and deadlines: – ONLINE Kick Off Meeting: November 14, 2020, from 9.00 to 1.00pm. Registration forms will be out next week and registration procedures will be closed November 12, 2020 at midday. – ONLINE Federal Committee: December 19, 2020 from 9am to 6pm. – Submission of resolutions deadline is November 9, 2020, at midday. – Amendments will have to be submitted by Monday 30 November. In the next weeks, the Executive Bureau will finalise the proposed agenda as well as the technicalities for holding and managing the meeting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to our exchange at the two meetings. Yours sincerely, Anna ECHTEROFF Secretary-General Union of European Federalists Rue d’Arlon 53 B-1000 Bruxelles +32 (0)2 508-3030 |
Our mailing address is: secretariat@federalists.eu |