The first edition of the UEF Insider newsletter for 2024 has been launched. In this edition, there is a closer look at the Treaty Reform Now campaign, the work towards the European Elections 2024, upcoming and past events and activities, and all the ways in which one can contribute.
Foreword by the President of the UEF, Domènec Ruiz Devesa
Dear Federalist friends,
Dear Federalist comrades,
We are living through a difficult time in European history, in which the European Union must readjust its institutional framework and its decision-making process to face the dramatic challenges that threaten its resilience. We have commemorated in many cities the second anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine (here our Press Release), which strenuously defends its freedom and with it that of Europeans, and the Middle East with each passing week an increasingly violent and unstable area. Finally, we watch with apprehension what happens in the USA with the risk of Trump’s return to the presidency and the potential consequences for the future of European defence. And looking at Europe, we continue to see the damaging consequences of climate change and thus the need for a serious change of course in European industrial and infrastructure policy.
This scenario makes an institutional reform of Europe even more necessary to tackle the many problems we face. In the past year, some fundamental steps have been taken.
In November 2023, the European Parliament successfully approved the resolution calling for a Convention to reform the Treaties and activate Article 48 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU). Then, under the Spanish Presidency, the Council of the EU transmitted the European European Parliament’s request for activation of Article 48 TEU to the European Council. Europe now turns to Charles Michel and EU national leaders to immediately include the EP‘s request on the agenda of the March 2024 EUCO meeting. The EUCO Summit is the last one when there would be a possibility to do so before the European Elections.
Since December 2023, we’ve been calling for the inclusion of Treaty reform on the EUCO Agenda. Our quest for institutional reform continues. We had prepared a Memorandum, explaining why a Convention is the only feasible way forward, while simple procedures and accession adjustments to the Treatyare not up to the task . Many events in the past few years have shown that Europe is not ready to tackle the challengeswe face. With the second anniversary of the Invasion of Ukraine, we can just see this more clearly.
Together with the Spinelli Group, European Movement International and Young European Federalists, we’ve been writing letters to the Presidents of the Commission and the Council. We will also be sending letters to the heads of state and governments. We will use all avenues to put pressure on policy makers to take this significant step and we will demostrate in the streets to show its importance.
In this newsletter, you will find many useful tools to take political action at all levels – from the ordinary citizen to the government of a member country – and explain why it is necessary to open a Convention to reform the Treaties.
I strongly encourage all of you to join us in our activities and actions and fight for the next step towards a Federal Europe.
Yes to a more democratic Europe fully capable to act, Yes to a federal Europe.
Federalist regards
Domènec Ruiz Devesa
Here is the newsletter in full: UEF Insider Newsletter 1:2024 | A New Phase of the Federalist Campaign
If you cannot read it, follow this link: Newsletter Feb 2024