Salle comble ce lundi soir 5 décembre 2022 pour l’avant-première du film ‘Spaak’ aux Galeries à Bruxelles avec de formidables souvenirs des débuts de l’épopée européenne.
Les 200 participants à cette projection de l’Union des Fédéralistes Européens ont pu se rappeler que Paul-Henri Spaak a notamment été le premier président de l’assemblée de la CECA, l’ancêtre du Parlement européen qui fête en 2022 ses 70 ans d’existence. Spaak a aussi été le moteur de la ‘relance de Messine’ de 1955 et il signera pour la Belgique les Traités CEE et Euratom aux côtes du Comte Jean-Charles Snoy. P.H. Spaak sera aussi président du Mouvement européen et pilier du ‘Comité d’action pour les États-Unis d’Europe’, idée promue aujourd’hui par les Fédéralistes européens et le Groupe Spinelli.
Après la projection, lors du débat animé par Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero, Secrétaire général de l’, le public a pu écouter un témoignage personnel du Comte Etienne Davignon, ancien Chef de Cabinet de Spaak et Vice-président de la Commission. Le Prof. Bernard Snoy a quant à lui évoqué de façon poignante la vision de l’Europe de son père qui avait co-signé pour la Belgique les Traités de Rome (CEE et Euratom) le 25 mars 1957.
Merci à Willy Perelsztejn d’avoir écrit ce film et à Hugues Lanneau de l’avoir si bien réalisé. Le film ‘Spaak’ sera diffusé sur La Une (RTBF) ce vendredi 9 décembre 2022 à 22h40.
L’Union des Fédéralistes Européens est heureuse
de vous inviter à l’avant-première du film ‘Spaak’ qui retrace la vie
d’un des Pères fondateurs de l’Europe.
Paul-Henri Spaak a
notamment été le premier président de l’assemblée de la CECA, le moteur de la
‘relance de Messine’ et il signera pour la Belgique les Traités CEE et Euratom.
Il sera aussi président du Mouvement européen et pilier du ‘Comité d’action
pour les États-Unis d’Europe’, idée promue aujourd’hui par les Fédéralistes
européens et le Groupe Spinelli.
La projection aura
lieu le lundi 5 décembre à 21h00 au Cinéma des Galeries à Bruxelles (détails
Etienne Davignon,
ancien Chef de Cabinet de Spaak et ancien vice-président de la Commission,
apportera son témoignage personnel et répondra aux questions du public.
Si vous souhaitez participer à cette avant-première, merci d’envoyer un email de confirmation avec votre nom et téléphone à
– La vocation fédérale de l’Europe – Concepts et réalités ;
– L’union de l’Europe – Racines et valeurs communes ;
– Un idéal pour l’Europe – Pour un élan spirituel.
Les deux premiers chapitres sont plus institutionnels alors que les deux derniers traitent de questions (trop) rarement débattues dans les cercles européens et susceptibles de vous intéresser: les valeurs européennes, les symboles, les racines, les identités dans l’UE.
Je présenterai mon livre en soirée le 15 septembre à Bruxelles dans le quartier européen. Merci de bloquer vos agendas ! Je ne manquerai pas de vous envoyer bientôt les détails du programme, du lieu et de l’heure.
Czech EU presidency: managing Rule of Law and following-up with the CoFoE UEF and JEF Hungary’s panel debate at the Sziget Festival in Budapest
11 August 2022 | 5.00 p.m. (CET) Hajógyári Sziget, Budapest, Hungary
Dear federalist friends,
At the occasion of the Sziget Festival in Budapest from 10 to 15
August 2022, the Union of European Federalists (UEF) Hungary, the Young
European Federalists (JEF) Hungary, and the UEF are proud to organise a Panel
debate on the Czech EU presidency, the CoFoE, and Rule of Law
Distinguished speakers include:
Ambassador Tibor Bial, Czech Ambassador to Hungary,
Daniel Freund MEP, President of the Spinelli Group,
The debate will be moderated by Eszter Nagy, President of the UEF Hungary.
The event will take place on Thursday 11 August 2022 at 5.00 p.m. at the Civil Island section of the Sziget Festival, in Budapest.
Only participants to the Sziget Festival will be able to attend physically at the Civil Island. You can view the event online via the UEF Hungary’s Facebook page.
The “Altiero Spinelli” Institute of Federalist Studies has been organizing an international seminar on the island of Ventotene for 38 years. This island off the Italian coast is the place where Altiero Spinelli, author of the Federalist Manifesto of Ventotene, was imprisoned during the Second World War. Every year, young federalists gather here to discuss federalist ideas on European and global issues with the leading experts of the European and World Federalist Movement. The seminar is a unique and intense experience on federalist studies.
Main topics of the 2022 International Seminar
Human rights and peace European Union and regional imbalances European Union and global economy Federalism and federalist organizations
30 participants, 60 hours of training and debates, 30 speakers. Here we are building the future of Europe!
Call for Application 2022 and apply by June 20, 2022!
Dear FC-Members, Dear Presidents and Secretary Generals of the Sections,
The return of the war in Europe, with Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine, forces us as Europeans to speed up the process of building a true European sovereignty and a strong and democratic European power, directly legitimised by the European citizens. This is necessary in order to build a true European defence, an energy union, a true foreign policy, a migration policy, etc…
As federalists, our best contribution at this stage could be to focus on the Conference on the Future of Europe, so that it includes in its conclusions the need to open a Convention to amend the Treaties, on the basis of the demands that have clearly emerged from the national and European citizens’ panels and from the digital platform. As you know, federalist indications (including our indications as federalist organisations) were predominant; all the more so in such a dramatic moment marked by the return of war, the Conference cannot ignore them.
This is why I propose you an exceptional effort over the next few weeks to collect signatures on this petition below.
It is published on (LINK), and addressed to the Board of the CoFoE.
Our goal must be to collect between 15.000 and 30.000 signaturesby 20 April. They will be instrumental in putting pressure on the Council (where some governments are trying to block the results of the Conference) and in supporting the European Parliament, which, on the contrary, is trying to fight for the opening of a convention. is a platform on which gathering support is very easy. We can upload several language versions, which remain linked, so the signatures add up; it encourages the circulation of the link to the petition, connects well to social networks, highlights partial results, important signatures, and it is really friendly.
I strongly invite you to sign and share the link of the petition. Below, in the communication from the Secretariat, you will find information on how to use social networks as well to spread the link and the invitation to sign. Further info and meetings will follow, to coordinate our engagement on this common action. I would also like to kindly ask you to consider translating the text into your own languages, to further enhance its circulation.
The time to make a federal Europe, sovereign and democratic is now: let us all engage in this battle, trying to live up to our historical responsibilities.
With federalist regards,
Sandro GOZI President
Information about the petition
Executive Board of the Conference on the Future of Europe
Guy Verhofstadt, Co-chair of the CoFoE, Member of the European Parliament
Dubravka Šuica, Co-chair of the CoFoE, Vice-President of the European Commission for Democracy and Demography
Clément Beaune, Co-chair of the CoFoE, State Secretary for European Affairs for the French Council Presidency
To respect the will of the citizens as expressed in the Conference on the Future of Europe, the various citizens’ panels and the platform.
We ask to highlight in the conclusions of the Conference
the need for concrete institutional reforms to create a federal political union;
the call for a Convention to reform the Treaties.
You can use to disseminate the petition and the various instrument in an easy way.
Share the petition – (ii) Social hashtag
Show your support for the petition! 1. Download the hashtag (VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL) and print it out. 2. Take a selfie. 3. Upload it to your favourite social media and use the hashtag #moreEUROPEnow.
Share the petition – (iii) Message for Whatsapp
Copy and paste this message and send it to your contacts
#𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗘𝗨𝗥𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗻𝗼𝘄! – 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮 𝗳𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗘𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲, 𝘀𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 As war returns to Europe, the Conference on the Future of Europe becomes an opportunity to call for the treaty reforms needed to create a federal Union. 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 1) Download the hashtag #moreEUROPEnow 2) Take a selfie 3) Upload it to the social network of your choice and ️ use the hashtag #moreEUROPEnow 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼 Go to the link moreEUROPEnowENG 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀. 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗞 𝗬𝗢𝗨!
Share the petition – (iv) Multilingual versions
Thanks to we can add a translation of the petition at any time and an image adapted to that language. If you want to distribute the petition in a language other than those proposed, send to the translation of the petition and the Secretariat will upload it on
Join the Appeal “Our federal Europe: sovereign and democratic”
At the start of CoFoE on 9 May 2021, UEF, together with the Spinelli Group and supported by the European Movement International, launched the Appeal “Our federal Europe: sovereign and democratic”, in which we summarised our ideas for the future of Europe. The appeal is still available on the UEF website. We invite you to circulate it also at local level (mayors, regional presidents, members of the regional and national parliaments) to further disseminate it.
The initial signatories were: Sandro GOZI, Brando BENIFEI, Eva MAYDELL, Esteban GONZÁLEZ PONS, Domènec RUIZ DEVESA, Gabriele BISCHOFF, Pascal DURAND, Daniel FREUND, Damian BOESELAGER, Dimitrios PAPADIMOULIS, Fabio Massimo CASTALDO.
By the time of the official launch of the CoFoE, more than 450 high-level personalities had joined the appeal. Among them we would like to mention Mario Vargas Llosa, Javier Cercas and Daniel Cohn-Bendit; four former presidents of the European Parliament as José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado (1997-1999), Enrique Barón Crespo (1989-1992), Martin Schulz (2012-2017) and Hans-Gert Pöttering (2007-2009). The long list also includes: the former European Commission President Romano Prodi, the first EU High Representative for Foreign Policy Javier Solana de Madariaga, the former Commissioners Joaquín Almunia Amann, Pedro Solbes Mira and Marcelino Oreja y Aguirre; as well as sixteen former prime ministers, including Spain’s Felipe González Màrquez and José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero; Italy’s Mario Monti, Matteo Renzi, Enrico Letta and Giuseppe Conte; Greece’s Alexis Tsipras and Belgium’s Guy Verhofstadt, co-chair of the CoFoE’s executive committee. An overview of the list is available here.
In the aftermath of the pandemic, Europe is facing unexpected and pressing challenges. With the Conference on the Future of Europe, close to the final stages of its work to address these challenges, the 2022 hybrid edition of Civil Society Days will explore how Europe can become more resilient through a just transition; one that will benefit people and the environment and, at the same time, increase European prosperity. If you have not registered yet, join online the discussions with different speakers and take part in our seven workshops to explore challenges of a fit-for-future economy, which creates shared prosperity and the key role of civil society in this endeavour.
As you know already, this year the UEF will organize, together with Social Economy Europe (SEE), in cooperation with the EESC Section for Economic and Monetary, Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO), and the Consultative Committee on Industrial Change (CCMI), the workshop n.6 “A green social market economy for the Future of Europe“.
Welcome to UEF INSIDER, UEF’s internal newsletter! Learn more about the network’s latest news and activities related to building a federal Europe!
Dear federalist friends,
Last week, EU Member States gave their political agreement for a package of sanctions against Russia, after Putin’s decision to recognise the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk and send troops to these areas. This decision violates the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Russia is not respecting its international obligations, and it is violating core principles of international law.
UEF welcomes the EU’s package of sanctions. We stand with Ukraine and its citizens and reaffirm unequivocal support to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders. Ukraine is a free and sovereign country and the EU must continue to stand by its side.
This is not only an attack on Ukraine, but also on the security of Europe, the international order, peace and democracy. Therefore, we must act on a triple track:
Firstly, firmness towards Russia, full economic response must be declared. The new package of sanctions already under discussion should be massive and unprecedented. If the EU pursues and increases the sanctions, a compensation mechanism must be created in favour of the affected EU firms;
Secondly, solidarity with Ukraine, we must provide political, financial and material support;
Thirdly, unity in Europe, we must continue to show solidarity. This has been the case since the beginning of the crisis, within and between all European institutions. We must step up our fight against disinformation in all our Member States. And work even harder to build a sovereign and powerful Europe in the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) with military and energetic autonomy, a federal EU whose foreign policy was not subject to individual veto threats.
It is really impressive to see how you, dear federalists friends, have expressed your solidarity in so many ways and with the various actions – from press releases, manifestations to video-statements, etc.. I take this opportunity to thank you for all your initiatives so far and propose to coordinate our actions and to launch a Europe-wide action to achieve an even greater effectiveness and visibility.
Let’s deliver together, with one European voice.
Sandro GOZI
UEF President
2.1 Federalist proposals achieve a good resonance on CoFoE’s multilingual digital platform
The CoFoE has entered its hot political phase. Being present in a structured and effective way, as well as being recognisable on its Platform with federalists proposals, became a necessary condition both for conveying its political message and for enhancing meetings on the ground at all levels.
During this past year, there has been an enormous growth in the support and visibility of federalist ideas, especially those aimed at strengthening European Democracy. The federalists have been integral to the important advances they have made, particularly promoting a stronger pan-European democracy — real European political parties and movements and proper campaigns for European elections, based on the creation of a pan-European constituency and transnational electoral lists headed by the candidates for President of the European Commission. Moreover, the federalists have also called for the need for a political and fiscal Union that can tackle the great transnational challenges of our time, acting decisively on a wide range of policy areas, from climate change, growing social inequalities, health and migration to foreign affairs and defense.
“Our collective efforts together with JEF and the Spinelli Group, yielded a great outcome for the federalist ideas in the Platform”, wrote the President of UEF in his letter to the Sections. “This was only possible through your commitment of time and effort, which was especially notable during this final rush campaigning together for a more sovereign, democratic and federal Europe.”
The Union of European Federalists (UEF) was represented in the Plenary of the CoFoE with its President and MEP Sandro GOZI, its Vice-President and MEP Domènec RUIZ DEVESA and its UEF Secretary General Anna ECHTERHOFF as part of the EMI Delegation to the CoFoE.
In the European Democracy Working Group (WG) organised in the framework of the 3rd Plenary in late January, Sandro GOZI and Domènec RUIZ DEVESA emphasised the fact that citizens are reopening the debate for a future European Constitution. Citizens requested to build a stronger link between them and the European democracy, and the federalist MEPs explained to them different ways to achieve that goal – by electing directly the president of the European Commission, voting for transnational lists with European parties, giving full powers to the European Parliament and with annual citizens assemblies.
The UEF had been asked by the Chair of the WG, Manfred WEBER (MEP, Chair of EPP Group), to introduce the discussion of the agenda item “Citizens’ participation and youth” with a report. The top priority of the recommendations for reform would need to be the strengthening of European democracy. To achieve this objective, a real step towards a political union is needed. “This will require treaty change, which is already supported by some member states. And in line with the citizens’ recommendations No. 35 agreed in Florence, we should aim at a European Constitution, necessary to adopt some of the reform proposals discussed in our Conference. It is also the chance to simplify the EU’s institutional structure – a request expressed by many citizens. And a new constitutional process is a chance to engage more citizens in European politics”, said the UEF Secretary General, Anna ECHTERHOFF in the WG. She also stressed the importance of giving the European Parliament more powers in shaping EU policy (foreign policy, budget, taxation, …) and overcoming the frequent blockade in the Council.
In the Spinelli Group Caucus meeting, MEPs launched a new push for an EU Constitution, arguing that EU leaders should heed the recommendations of the first citizens’ panel in the Conference on the Future of Europe. “We want a stronger Europe, more democratic, more reflective of daily needs of people, more ready to act and this requires changes to the current treaties,” says their declaration. The MEPs argue that following the French presidential election, there will be “a window of opportunity” for such ambitious reforms.
During the Conference Plenary, our representatives had the opportunity to discuss with the citizens’ on their proposals:
The main goal of this conference is to give voice to European democracy and experience it more directly, explained UEF President and MEP Sandro GOZI. In his speech, encouraged his colleagues to build a real European political public space, directly voting for European political parties. Citizens would like to elect at least half of the members of the European Parliament through transnational lists, and we must follow up on their petition, added him in regards with the citizens recommendation.
“We should ensure politics serve citizens, this is the greatest contribution we can make for a better Europe. A follow up on their demands is the best way to pay homage to a great European and a friend, David Sassoli.”, concluded Sandro GOZI during the Plenary.
“Citizens are asking for transnational political parties with representatives from different member states. In the EP we are working on reforming the European electoral law, guaranteeing geographical and population balance when drawing up the lists.”, mentioned Domènec RUIZ DEVESA.
On 18 February an additional online meeting of the European Democracy WG took place. The debate focused on how to improve the executive power and the subsidiary mechanism of the EU.
During the meeting our Vice-President Domènec RUIZ DEVESA, updated the members of the WG on the status of the electoral law proposal in the AFCO Committee of the European Parliament, trying to find a balance between the different parties’ suggestions. On rule of law, he also strengthened the importance of getting rid of the veto vote in the Council, as it can be used as a tool to hijack dossiers. RUIZ DEVESA explained that treaty changes might be needed to satisfy these demands, but our priority should be focusing on defining the content of the reforms, reaching agreements and following the subsidiarity principle.
UEF President Sandro GOZI, invited members to explore all the possibilities that the treaties currently give, and consider its limitations to change it especially when it comes to the veto vote in the Council, to decide on taxation, or to go beyond the conditionality mechanism on rule of law, and use the budget in a larger way to sanction law violations by Member States.
UEF Secretary General Anna ECHTERHOFF, referred to the meaning of the principle of subsidiarity in a broader not so technical sense as it had been discussed in the group so far. The principle of subsidiarity states that a task of the State should be carried out as far as possible by the lower level. This means: the local level. If a task can not be carried out there, it is brought to the next higher level. If one applies this principle as a template to all policy areas and issues, one comes to the conclusion that not everything can be answered at local, regional or member state level. We will see as a result that the European level is the right level for many policy fields we discuss today. The question that then arises is how the EU institutions need to be equipped so that they can offer solutions and implement their task in these policy fields. Closely linked to this is the question of sovereignty.
2.3 Civil Society Days 2022 – UEF organises the Workshop “A green social market economy for the Future of Europe”: Registration to the online event open!
This year, UEF organises together with Social Economy Europe (SEE) and in cooperation with the EESC section for Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO) and the Consultative Committee on Industrial Change (CCMI) the workshop nº6 “A green social market economy for the Future of Europe” of the Civil Society Days. We are delighted to announce that Dubravka SUICA, European Commission Vice-President for Democracy and Demography, will join together with our President, MEP Sandro GOZI and Vice-President, MEP Markus Ferber, our event among many other high-level speakers. The Chair of PC4, Luca Lionello will be the moderator of the Workshop.
Check the agenda here and don’t forget to register
2.4 Make Europe Bloom: The Time is Now! – Survey Greece
As you already know, the MAKE EUROPE BLOOM: the Time is Now! project is contributing to raising awareness on the CoFoE and setting up the new European Bauhaus by mirroring citizens’ feelings on Europe through art. In order to meet our innovative approach, we count on renown urban artist Antonyo Marest. With your contributions we will be painting murals in different cities across Europe.
In our next stop in Piraeus, Greece, we will be painting a mural based on the idea of “Climate change and the environment”, one of the topics of the CoFoE.
We would like to ask you to answer this survey so that we can paint the future Europe together! #MakeEuropeBloom
Last month, EP President David SASSOLI passed away at age 65.
Born in Florence on 30 May 1956, SASSOLI studied political science before starting work as a newspaper and news agency journalist.
“UEF is deeply saddened by the terrible loss of a great European and an outstanding President of the European Parliament. He has been a member of the Movimiento Federalista Europeo in Rome, since Mr. SASSOLI was a convinced federalist, a champion of European democracy, values and integration. We commend his efforts to build a strong house of European democracy, and express our sincere condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues. Riposa in pace.”, said UEF President and MEP Sandro GOZI.
2021 has been a year of transition and 2022 will be “a turning point” for Europe. The winds of change blowing from some member states are bringing the EU into a new era.
Germany has just turned the page on Angela MERKEL’s 16 years of leadership, France is bracing itself for an uncertain presidential election in the spring, and in Italy DRAGHI will continue as prime minister. MERKELl’s departure leaves a vacuum that MACRON, SCHOLZ and DRAGHI are trying to fill.
The stars are aligning for real EU reform, we believe that decisive steps will be taken in the federal logic as we understand that there is an agreement between the main political forces, especially between the virtuous triangle that would leave behind years of paralysis and hesitation.
In 1941, while imprisoned on Ventotene island just off the coast of Italy, the intellectuals Altiero Spinelli, Ernesto Rossi and Eugenio Colorni penned ‘For a Free and United Europe’, a founding text urging for the creation of a united Europe built on federalist principles. This document, also known as the Ventotene Manifesto, was distributed among the European resistance thanks to Ursula Hirschmann, a German anti-fascist activist who managed to smuggle it from the island. In January 1944, a mimeographed clandestine edition of the Manifesto appeared in Rome.
UEF President Sandro GOZI: “We must get inspired and revive the spirit of the Ventotene Manifesto to push for a new European democratic transformation.”
EU Member States gave their political agreement for a new package of sanctions against Russia, after Putin’s decision to recognise the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk and sending troops to these areas. This decision violates the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Russia is not respecting its international obligations, and it is violating core principles of international law. With this press release UEF welcomed the EU’s package of sanctions and supported Ukraine.
UEF condemned in the strongest possible terms the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, a free and sovereign country in the heart of Europe. This is not only an attack on Ukraine, but also on the security of Europe, the international order, peace and democracy.
3.5 The Spinelli Draft Treaty (14 February 1984 – 2022)
On 14 February, UEF, the Spinelli Group, JEF Europe and Movimento Europeo Italia organised an event to commemorate the Spinelli Draft Treaty’s approval by the European Parliament in 1984. We counted with current MEPs and renowned witnesses to explain the key features of the so-called Spinelli Project and how it can still inspire the future of Europe today.
Find here the full statement and here you can rewatch the discussion.
4.1 New team member: Ilaria Caria joins the team
We are delighted to inform you that Ilaria Caria joined the Secretariat on 1 February 2021 as the new Policy and Administration Officer. She graduated in Law at the University of Cagliari and in International Law and Global Justice at the University of Sheffield. Her fields of interest are European external relations law, democracy and political rights. She is an active member of the Movimento Federalista Europeo Federal Committee. Welcome Ilaria!
Would you like to debate with policy makers, learn about European politics or meet countless enthusiastic Europeans? The UEF is looking for a Policy Officer and a Communications Officer to join the Secretariat in Brussels! Apply until 11 March.
Job Vacancies: Policy Officer and Communications Officer in the UEF Secretariat
Deadline for application: 11 March 2022
The European Federalists… …is a non-governmental pan-European organisation, dedicated to the promotion of closer European integration and a democratic and federal Europe. The UEF was founded in 1946 and today is active in many European countries. We organise campaigns, debates, seminars, actions and other events across Europe on key European issues and federalism. We dialogue with European institutions and national policy-makers to promote a united and federal Europe. The current main focus of work is the Conference on the Future of Europe, in which UEF is represented as the part of civil society in the delegation of the European Movement International. We are looking for… … an above-average committed and flexible personality with a successfully completed Bachelor’s or Master’s degree preferably in the fields of European law, political science, communication, to work in the following areas:
Communications Officer
Drafting of the monthly newsletter “UEF Insider” and the fortnightly newsletter on CoFoE “The Time is Now”.
Supporting the implementation of communication strategy and activities;
Supporting the UEF Secretariat in internal and external communication activities (including on social media);
Supporting the organisation of statutory and other internal and external meetings, etc., e.g. Congress, Federal Committee, Political Commissions, Conferences & Debates, Receptions;
Contributing to the management of day-to-day administrative tasks ;
Policy Officer
Supporting the organisation of statutory and other internal and external meetings, etc., e.g. Congress, Federal Committee, Political Commissions, Conferences & Debates, Receptions;
Supporting the conception and implementation of different projects;
Supporting the conception and implementation of the UEF-Network Academy;
Administrative support to the Political Commissions of the UEF;
Assisting the preparation of opinions, statements and working papers of the organization;
Contributing to the management of day-to-day administrative tasks.
We expect
Professional experience in the aforementioned areas;
The ability to grasp complex issues precisely and to process and abstract processes independently;
The ability to structure and organise oneself independently;
Readiness to work, resilience and flexibility;
Willingness to travel on business;
A confident handling of IT media ;
Persuasiveness and assertiveness;
A very good ability to express oneself in English and another official language of the EU
Ability to work in a team.
We offer
Fixed term contract of 12 months under Belgian law – possibility to prolong the contract
Monthly ticket for public transport in Brussels (part of salary) + food voucher + travel reimbursements when travelling for UEF
How to apply?
Please send your curriculum vitae and motivation letter to the Secretary General of UEF, Anna Echterhoff:
Deadline for applications: 11 March 2022
Selection process: Successful candidates will be invited for an online interview.
The selected candidate would start at the earliest convenient date possible
The Ventotene Manifesto: A New Take For a Federal Europe Wednesday, 2 March 2022 19h – 21h
Dear federalists friends,
We are pleased to invite you to the event “The Ventotene Manifesto: A New Take For a Federal Europe” that will take place on Wednesday 2 March 2022 at 19:00 – 21:00h in Brussels and remotely. Find the event programme below:
Please, register here if you are willing to participate. We kindly remind you to indicate whether you will join physically or online.